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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
11/03/2015 15:23:45

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Moïse is preparing for elections, but without Martelly...
Tuesday, former Senator Moïse Jean Charles declared that his platform "Pitit Desalin" as preparing throughout the country, to participate in the upcoming elections. He said it would be without the current government, announcing the forthcoming resumption of protests to chase the President Martelly out of power.

Evans Paul announced two major projects
Tuesday at a meeting on the insurance system of the Insurance Office for Occupational Injury, Sickness and Maternity (OFATMA) concerning an integral social protection program throughout the country, the Prime Minister, Evans Paul, ook the opportunity to announce two important projects that he intends to introduce : one concerns the voluntary service monitor and civic service and the other concerns the creation of an emergency call center, which would create a real network of proximity with the Government.

EDH billing issue
uesday, Evans Paul and his Chief of Staff, Fred Brutus, received a delegation composed of Mrs. Mary A. Barton-Dock, special envoy of the World Bank in Haiti and the Ambassador of Canada in Port-au-Prince Ms. Paula Caldwell St-Onge. The Head of Government, his advisers and the delegation discussed the critical situation of Electricity of Haiti, especially the billing. The Prime Minister expressed a proposal for prepaid meters as a solution.

Casimir calls the population to collaborate with the PNH
Tuesday morning on a radio station in the capital, Pierre Richard Casimir, the Minister of Justice and Public Security launched a call to the collaboration of the population with the National Police of Haiti (PNH) in order to improve the security climate.

Haiti's participation in Toronto Games
Monday, Gabrielle Hyacinthe, Secretary for Youth, held a meeting with Nahomme Dorvil, Director of the Cabinet of Minister Albert and Tristan-E Landry, Political Counsellor of the Canadian Embassy, on the participation of Haiti in the Pan American Games in Toronto, which will be held from 10 to 26 July. https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-13170-haiti-sports-haiti-s-participation-in-the-2015-pan-american-games.html

HL/ HaitiLibre

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