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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
27/02/2015 13:55:04

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
The Collective of December 4 dissociates itself
Following the violation of the Dominican consular and diplomatic area and the flag burned, Ginette Chérubin of the Collective of December 4 declared "We regret what happened. This is very serious," adding that the organization dissociated itself from the act, which according to her, occurred outside the walking circuit... https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-13260-haiti-social-the-haitian-flag-waving-on-the-dominican-consulate.html

Cancellation in Haiti, of the Celebration of the Independence of the DR
La célébration du 171 anniversaires de l'Indépendance de la République Dominicaine (27 de Febrero) par l'Ambassade en Haïti, qui avait été prévue jeudi à 8 p.m. à l'Hôtel La Mansion, was canceled on the orders of Dominican government, because "the conditions are not met for holding the celebration" indicated an accredited diplomatic source. Also Thursday, the Embassy and the Dominican consulate remained closed following the Wednesday event https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-13260-haiti-social-the-haitian-flag-waving-on-the-dominican-consulate.html

The electoral draft decree contains flaws
According to Senator Steven Benoit, the draft electoral decree transmitted Saturday at the Executive by the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP), contains many flaws. However, Senator Benoit advises the President Martelly to publish the document as it was received, to avoid disputes Download the modified draft decree (PDF) : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/avantprojetdecretelectoral-version-FIN-fevrier-2015.pdf
Download the draft decree before modifications : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/avantprojetdecretelectoral-version-6-fevrier-2015.pdf

Inauguration of the Place Ste-Anne
Friday morning, the President Martelly inaugurated the Place Ste-Anne (Carbonne Street) fully rehabilitated. This work, funded by the Treasury from the Petrocaribe Fund, were executed by the Haitian firm SOGECOMAT under the supervision of the Housing Construction Unit and Public Buildings (UCLBP). With an area of 6687.48 square meters, the Place Ste-Anne is designed to enable residents of the town of Port-au-Prince to relax, provides an attractive setting with green areas, sports facilities, children's play movable and administrative space.

Evans Paul discusses elections with the IDB
Thursday, Prime Minister Evans Paul, met with a delegation from the Inter American Development Bank (IDB). The discussions mainly focused on the organization of the upcoming elections and the non-participation of Haiti in the meeting of the Bahamas. Besides José Agustín Aguerre, the IDB Representative in Haiti, the delegation was composed of Alfred Metellus, Consultant, Kenold Thys, COO and Aurelie Gilles of the IDB.

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