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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
20/02/2015 14:53:38

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Resignation of the Minister of Agriculture
Students who challenged since 22 January the competencies of Jean François Thomas, Minister of Agriculture and also demanded his resignation, won https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-13122-haiti-agriculture-the-student-protests-continues-to-damien.html . Rothchild François Jr., the Ministers of Communications has announced "I just receives, now, the resignation of the Minister of Agriculture, Jean François Thomas."

NOTICE : BHDA Scholarships 2015
From 23 February to 31 March 2015, the Haitian Copyright Office (BHDA) invites students graduating in Law, meeting the criteria below to submit documents to our office at 31, street Chériez, Canapé-Vert, Haiti.

Sinking, 12 rescued, 2 missing
A sailboat linking Port-de-Paix and Turtle Island wrecked near the Turtle channel, following a strong gust of wind. 12 peoplecould have been saved, two people are still missing. The operation of survivors sesearch are continuing.

The Senate has not received the draft Electoral Decree
The draft electoral decree is still not officially forwarded to the Senate, according to the President's office, Andris Riché. He invited the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) to do everything to submit the document to the discretion of peers conscripts, this weekend at the latest. https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-13184-haiti-elections-publication-of-electoral-decree-postponed.html Download the Draft Electoral Decree (PDF) : : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/avantprojetdecretelectoral-version-6-fevrier-2015.pdf

Power Plant Project in Cap-Haitien
A delegation from Atlanta, met with the Directorate of Trade of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MCI) on a project to install a power plant in Cap-Haitien. And this Friday, Evans Paul met at the Primature delegation of businessmen operating in the energy sector.

Casualties lowered
Following a confusion of name and identification at the morgue, the record of the incident on the course of Carnival 2015 in Port-au-Prince was lowered to 17 and not 18 victims, are officially registered to date. Note that it currently remains 6 wounded in hospital (3 to Hospital OFATMA, 3 at the Hospital La Paix)

HL/ HaitiLibre

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