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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
05/02/2015 13:51:40

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Carnival 2015 : list of music groups
Official list of music groups for the 2015 National Carnival to be held in Port-au-Prince on February 15,16 and 17 : Djakout, T-Vice, Carimi, Kreyòl La, Barikad Crew, Rockfam, T-Mickey, Vwadèzil, King Posse, Boukman Eksperyans, Le Konpa, Deng One, K-Zino, Anbyans, Team Lòbèy, Brother Posse et Bèl Plezo. Watch on HaitiLibre as every year, the Carnival live.

True or False ?
Senator François Annick Joseph and spokesman of the Organization of People in Struggle (OPL) is convinced that the Head of State wants the departure of the remaining 10 senators. According to him "the Head of State and his allies, national and international, are working on a possible revision of the Constitution outside the legal standards [...]" According to him "the Head of State and his allies, national and international, are working on a possible revision of the Constitution outside the legal standards [...]" in order to change the political regime in Haiti, a regime where there would be a unicameral parliament composed of a House of Commons and where the Prime Minister would be replaced by a Vice President...

50% reduction in fuel prices...!

Organizations of the Haitian social movement (Popular Democratic Movement (MODEP), the Reflection Group on social issues (GREPS), the Circle of Gramscian literature studies (Sèk Gramsci)...) and of the university announced a sit-in this Thursday, February 5 at the premises of the Ministry of Economy to demand "halving the price of petroleum products, the decrease in the cost of public transport as well as the basic necessities products."

Words of sympathy from the Ministry of Culture
The Ministry of Culture has learned with regret the death of the illustrious painter and sculptor Ludovic Booz, which occurred February 3, 2015 at the age of 75. In these painful circumstances, the Ministry of Culture presents its sincere condolences to his family, his close comrades painters and sculptors, and those that this disappearance grieve.

New Director General at the head of BMPAD
"It's not the economy that goes wrong is the economic environment that is difficult," said Tuesday, Wilson Laleau, the Minister of Economy on the sidelines of the installation of Eustache Saint-Lot as the new Director General of the Office of Monetization of Development Assistance Programs (BMPAD) to replace Michael Lecorps. The new DG said that the BMPAD is called to "play a major role in the implementation of the National Pact for Employment and Economic Growth."

HL/ HaitiLibre

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