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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
04/02/2015 13:51:03

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Fuel: Students protest
Tuesday, University students of State of Haiti (UEH), of the Faculty of Human Sciences (FASCH), of the National Institute of Management and International Studies (INAGHEI), of the Institute of African studies and research of Haiti (IERAH) and from the Faculty of Ethnology began a series of street protests to demand a considerable decline in prices of petroleum products.

The CEP too slow...
he Senator Francisco De La Cruz lamented the slow pace of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) which so far has not submitted to Senators, a proposed schedule. Forgetting the independence of the CEP, he proposes his own calendar : 1st round of partial legislative at the end of June, the second round as well as municipal and local elections in August, and the presidential election late October...

1st Congress of the Platform "Pitit Desalin"
On Sunday, hundreds of supporters and delegates of the radical opposition political platform "Pitit Desalin" headed by former Senator Moïse Jean-Charles, have met in Delmas 75, for their first ever Congress.

VIII Meeting of Ministers of Education
Nesmy Manigat, the Minister of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) informs that Haiti participates in the VIII Meeting of Ministers of Education, organized by the Organization of American States (OAS), 4 and 5 February to Panama.

Discussions with the petroleum sector
Tuesday, Wilson Laleau, Minister of Economy and Finance, held a working meeting with representatives of the petroleum sector.

Michel Martelly receives the CEP
Tuesday at the National Palace, the Head of State, Michel Martelly, met with members of the Provisional Electoral Council.

Historical Park of North
Dithny Joan Ration, the new Minister of Culture, had a working meeting with executives of the World Bank on the various in progress records to the Ministry particularly that of the Historical Park of North.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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