Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 19/12/2014 12:57:55 The Senator of the Opposition Westner Polycarpe, member of the G6 found normal for the "platfom Pitit Desalin" refused the invitation of the Presidency because according to him "Martelly is not the solution but the problem." Also, remember that the "Patriotic Movement of the Democratic Opposition" (MOPOD) had also rejected the invitation to dialogue of the Head of State. Handing over of the keys to the dormitory of the Maritime Base of Les Cayes The Ambassador of Canada proceeded on December 17, 2014 to the official handover of the dormitory of the Coast Guard base in Les Cayes. This event completes this construction project. This project is part of Canada's commitment to capacity building of the Haitian National Police (HNP), and more broadly, strengthening security in Haiti. Canada continues to support the efforts of the Government of Haiti in monitoring and patrolling its coasts, including in the fight against illicit trafficking. FLASH : Christmas Concert Saturday, December 10, the Philharmonic Orchestra Holy Trinity, the Little Singers and the "Schola Cantorum" will give a Christmas concert at 6:00 pm at the Karibe Convetion Center. Guest Conductor: Jean Raoul (Rudy) Perrault, Soloist: Carlot Dorve, Trumpet. Admission: 1,000 gdes Adult, Program: Hummel, Arban, Works Of Traditional Christmas and Christmas works by Raoul Guillaume. Entry card available to the Holy Trinity School of Music, City Centre : located at 103 street corners Mgr. Guilloux and Pavée. At Petion-ville #2 corners Lamarre and Moïse street. Evangelical Press / Fiesta / Jeaffa / Karibe Convention Center. For more information: 2816-8006 / 2813-0573. International Migrants Day Thursday at the Hotel Karibe, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) organized the celebration of International Migrants Day on the theme "Saving the lives of migrants." This day was an opportunity to reflect on this issue and raise public awareness on the growing number of Haitian migrants, who continue to lose or risk their lives in clandestine and perilous travel n the hope of find a wellness elsewhere. American delegation visiting Haiti Ms. Dieudonne Luma Etienne, Regional Director North Tourism Ministry, recently welcomed an official US delegation composed of André Pierre (City of North Miami former Mayor), Keon Hardeon (City of Miami Commissioner) and 3 journalists. They were accompanied by Monique Rocourt, the Minister of Culture. The purpose of the visit was to provide an opportunity for members of the delegation (for some Haitian) to experience the northern destination. They visited amon others the Citadelle and the Sans Souci Palace before returning to Port-au-Prince. HL/ HaitiLibre
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