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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
13/12/2014 14:40:16

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
40 megawatts more for the population of the metropolitan area
Friday following his visit to the power station Carrefour 1, Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe announced that as of January 2015, the metropolitan population, will receive 40 megawatts of electricity more, an increase of 30% of the generation of electricity. Let us recall that this work is financed up to 15 million US dollars by the Petrocaribe Fund and are part of the recovery plan of the Electricity of Haiti (EDH).

Chancellor Brutus pays tribute to Professor Simonise
Pierre Duly Brutus, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, said sadly learn the news of the disappearance of the former foreign minister, Jean-Robert Simonise a great servant of the state, died Thursday, December 11, 2014. The Chancellor Brutus honors the memory of Professor Jean-Robert Simonise and expresses its deepest sympathies to his family and friends.

Tourism Investment Opportunities
Thursday, Stéphanie Blamir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Industry (MTIC), had a follow-up meeting with Fernando Fernandez, Development Vice President for the Caribbean for Apple Leisure Group round opportunities for tourism investments in the projects of the South Coast (Île-à-Vache, Côtes-de-Fer). This meeting comes 8 months after the Minister has received in Haiti, Alex Zozaya the Head of that company https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-11652-haiti-tourism-haiti-the-next-great-opportunity-in-the-caribbean.html . Let us recall that Apple Leisure Group is an all-inclusive package vendor who holds a unique niche in the travel industry in the United States.

National trauma and medical care complex
Friday in Petionville, the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe has launched the fundraising campaign of the new National trauma and medical care complex.

Commemoration of 12 January 2010
Friday in Montreal, was held a meeting to La TOHU between the House of Haiti and the Consulate General of Haiti in Montreal on the planning of the day commemorating the 5th anniversary of the earthquake of January 2010. Were present including: Consul Magalie Baptist, Kurdy Larèche, Alice Trudelle, Coordinator of fundraising and events, Wladimir Jeanty, President of the Board, Justin Viard Consul General and Djinah Thomas, Culture / Communication.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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