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Haiti - Elections : The OAS continues its engagement with Haiti and the Venice Commission

Haiti - Security : PNH destroys all roadblocks and reopens RN#8 (Video)

Haiti - FLASH : League of Nations, Haiti victory over Puerto Rico [1-4] (Video)

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iciHaïti -Health : Towards the resumption of activities at the «Isaïe Jeanty and Léon Audain» maternity hospital (Chancerelles)

iciHaiti - Ouanaminthe : Haitians guarantee the safety of Dominicans

iciHaiti - Security : Anthony Blinken spoke with Rameau Normil, DG of the PNH

iciHaiti - WHO/PAHO : Emergency response in 41 displaced sites

iciHaïti - CNE : Provisional inventory of equipment that will be handed over to the FAd’H

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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
23/10/2014 16:16:13

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Senator Andris calls for concerted action
Senator Riché Andris, Vice President of the Upper House, called on all progressive forces in the country to work together in order to make a common proposal and concrete facing the crisis that has engulfed the country. However, the Senator is against any proposal that provides for the resignation of President Michel Martelly.

UNNOH issued an ultimatum to the Ministry of Education
Professor Josué Mérilien of the National Union of Haitian Normaliens (UNNOH) is launching a two-month ultimatum to the Ministry of Education to address the issue of arrears of salary of teachers in public schools. After this period, if the suituation is not solved, the platform will relauch the mobilization.

Presentation of the hotel classification
On Thursday, to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Industry (MTIC), the team of Classification of tourist facilities has made the distribution of plaques to hotels, in the presence of several heads of hotel establishments classified in various parts of the country.

Closing of the Embassy of Haiti in Ottawa
On Wednesday, the Embassy of Haiti in Canada in Ottawa was forced to close its doors earlier this afternoon due to a terrorist act against the Canadian Parliament, which paralyzed the city center. The Embassy has resumed services at the usual times on Thursday.

MHAVE: Binational Dialogue
Wednesday, François Guillaume II, the Minister of Haitians Living Abroad (MHAVE) chaired a preparatory meeting with the Steering Committee of the binational dialogue between Haiti and the Dominican Republic, which takes place today Thursday to new hotel Kinam https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-12339-haiti-flash-resumption-of-binational-high-level-dialogue.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-12335-haiti-politic-toward-a-new-high-level-meeting-with-the-dominicans.html

Haiti Forum Continental America
The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Civic Action will participate in the upcoming Forum Continental America on October 29 in Bogota (Colombia) to discuss scientific approaches to altitude training and the organization of the championship of people living with motor disabilities, in Mexico and Cuba on mid-November.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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