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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
15/10/2014 14:23:30

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Meeting Martelly-Préval
Tuesday, President Michel Martelly, received former President Rene Préval, in the context of political consultations initiated by the Head of State. The exchanges have focused on issues such as the political crisis, education, agriculture, environment, lasted just over two hours. Mr. Préval said he shared his experiences with President Martelly and expressed hope that his advice can help solve the problems that face the country.

Launch of the International Day of Rural Women
The International Day of Rural Women will be celebrated on Wednesday, October 15, announced Yanick Mézile, the Minister for Women, who praised the courage of women living in rural areas and highlighted their contribution to the national economy. The Minister took the opportunity to officially launch the craft fair of two days (14-15 October 2014) that realizes the Ministry in the department of Grand Anse to commemorate the International Day of Rural Women.

NOTICE: Roundtable on the Haitian political situation
NOTICE: The General Secretariat of the UEH has the advantage of informing the general public, the academic community in particular that the National Institute of Administration and Management of International Studies (INAGHEI), in agreement with the Academic and Civic Solidarity Development Association (SUCDEV), is organizing a round table on the Haitian political situation Thursday, October 16, 2014 from 10:00 am on the theme "Elections and political crisis in Haiti. What perspectives for 2015? "The panel will be composed of Youri Latortue, Advisor to the President, Daly Valet, Senior journalist and Sauveur Pierre Etienne, Professor UEH and Coordinator General of the Organization of People in Struggle (OPL).

No working day Embassy of Haiti in Mexico
The Embassy of the Republic of Haiti in Mexico informs the Haitian Community that Friday, October 17, 2014, the offices of the Embassy and the Consular Section will be closed on the occasion of the commemoration of the 208th anniversary of the death of the Emperor Jean-Jacques Dessalines.

NOTICE passport : French Guiana...
The Consulate of Haiti in French Guiana, informs that the passports requested from 1 to 15 September 2014 are available at the Consulate. Thank you to please bring your receipts and old passports for retrieves during office hours Monday Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm and Saturday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

HL/ HaitiLibre

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