Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 11/10/2014 14:43:45 This morning former President Jean-Claude Duvalier received a last tribute at the chapel of the Institution St. Louis de Gonzague; the closed casket was covered with the current Haitian flag, the church quickly filled; the spouse of the deceasedVéronique Roy, his ex-wife, Michele Bennett and their two children were present, as well as government officials. But was noted the absence of President Martelly, while two other former president were there. World Investment Forum 2014 The General Director of Investment Facilitation Center (CFI), Norma Powell and the Haitian Minister of Commerce & Industry, Wilson Laleau will be attending the 2014 World Investment Forum from 13 to 16 October 2014 in Geneva, Switzerland; to discuss various investments opportunities in Haiti. Closing of the Consulate General of Haiti in Atlanta The Consulate General of Haiti in Atlanta informs the Public that the Consulate will be closed on: Monday October 13, 2014 in observance of "Columbus Day" ; Friday October 17, 2014 anniversary of Jean-Jacques Dessalines’s Death. Special payment for 7,615 mothers Thursday, as part of "Ti manman cheri" program, the Economic and Social Assistance Fund (FAES) has launched a special payment representing four months of subsidy for a total of 7,615 mothers beneficiaries via the services of "Tchotcho Mobil." This measure aims not only to encourage the education of more children, but it will especially improve the living conditions of vulnerable households by helping to reduce poverty by improving access to education. Educational Reform: Issues and Challenges Thursday at the Hotel Montana, the Franco-Haitian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CFHCI) has welcomed Nesmy Manigat, the Minister of National Education and Vocational Training, who spoke on the theme "Educational Reform: issues and challenges for the private sector" to members of the CFHCI, representatives of various private sector institutions and several personalities. 112th session of the UN Human Rights Committee... Thursday and Friday, the initial report of the Republic of Haiti on the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights has been the focus of discussions at the 112th session of the Committee of Human Rights of the United Nations (HRC) held at the Palais Wilson in Geneva (Switzerland). This initial report, submitted in 2012, covers a period of 20 years. The presentation of this report reflects "the deep commitment of the administration Martelly and Lamothe Government for the promotion and respect of human rights in Haiti," commended Marie Carmelle Rose Anne Auguste, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister Responsible for human Rights and the Fight Against Extreme Poverty. HL/ HaitiLibre
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