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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
09/10/2014 15:01:41

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Prime Minister Lamothe will meet John Kerry
This Thursday, Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe will meet with Secretary of State John Kerry to discuss progress in Haiti, energy, security, elections and thank him for the help in reconstruction.

Office of Grievances for Diaspora
The Consulate of the Republic of Haiti in Orlando informs the Haitian Community of Central Florida that an Office of Grievances for Diasporais open to the Ministry of Haitians Living I'Etranger (MHAVE) located at #8 street Prospe, Musseau, Petion-Ville, Haiti. For more information (509) 28-16-4283, or by mail: doleyans.diaspora@mhave.gouv.ht

Resumption of anti-government protests
The 6 political parties of the opposition, "Fòs Patriotik ou Respè Konstitsyon an" (FOPARK), and "Òganizasyon Tèt Ansanm" (OTAN), have announced the resumption of anti-government mobilization. According to them, the consultations initiated by President Michel Martelly around the election crisis, will lead nowhere. Rosny Timothée, the spokesman of FOPARK announces two demonstrations on 17 and 26 October.

Exhibition of Haitian paintings in Mexico City
Tuesday, as a prelude to the meeting of the Joint Intergovernmental Commission Haiti-Mexico, Haiti Chancellor Duty Brutus conducted jointly with his Mexican counterpart Jose Antonio Meade Kuribena the inauguration of an exhibition of works by several Haitian artists-painters and the sculptor Ronald Larrate. This exhibition will run for one month at the Museum of Mexican Chancery.

Orlando, Consulate closed
The Consulate of the Republic of Haiti in Orlando presents its compliments to the Haitian Community of its Jurisdiction and wishes to inform them that the Consulate will be closed on Monday October 13th 2014 in observance of "Colombus Day".

International Day of Girl
International Day of the Girl will be celebrated on October 11 on the theme "Empowering adolescent girls: Ending the cycle of violence".

HL/ HaitiLibre

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