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Haiti - Elections : The OAS continues its engagement with Haiti and the Venice Commission

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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
19/09/2014 14:14:28

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Tourism : Monitoring of developments on the island of La Gonâve
Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Industries had a meeting with Guito Leger Responsible for Planning of the beach Source Saline in La Gonâve and Ralph Jean Francois, a sociologist based on the island, as part of a follow up on the development of the so-called beach, the construction of several bungalows and other rearrangements in La Gonave, especially in areas of Anse à Galet and Pointe à Raquette.

Balance of the PNH
Thursday, Inspector Garry Desrosiers, Deputy Spokesman of the National Police of Haiti, revealed that for the period 1 August to 18 September 2014, the security forces had carried out the arrest of 69 individuals accused of various crimes (homicide, rape, illicit drug trafficking, robbery, forgery and use of forgeries among others) adding that 10 firearms, ammunition, vehicles and narcotics had also been confiscated.

Delegation of Mexican investors
Tuesday, following the recent visit of President Martelly in Mexico and in the context of cooperation Mexico-Haiti to strengthen relations between the two countries, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry received the visit of Secretary of State Tourism Mexican, Jose Carlos Morales Riojas and Lic. Jorge R. Montenayor, Deputy Secretary of State for Investment Promotion, which were accompanied by a large delegation of Mexican investors in order to present to the Haitian government, the state of economic and industrial development of Coahuila, exchange knowledge on direct investment attraction and explore business opportunities in Haiti.

Interpretation Centre of the Carnival of Jacmel
Thursday, the Departmental Directorate Southeast and the Unity of Studies and Planning of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Industries (MTIC), the Technical Board of the Historic Center of Jacmel and the Spanish Cooperation (AECID), met in the premises of MTIC to proceed with the bid opening of the Tender Restricted concerning the construction of an interpretation center of the Carnival of Jacmel, funded by UNESCO and AECID. The renovation will begin in early October.

New Medical Director to the maternity Isaïe Jeanty
Thursday Dr. Frantz Montes was installed as the new Medical Director of the maternity Isaïe Jeanty. He takes over from Dr Raymond Fleurimond, who became Technical Advisor at the Health Directorate of the West.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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