Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 25/08/2014 14:33:41 Francis Abigaël, of Collège Juvenat du Sacré-Coeur (Carrefour) is the laureate in Rhéto for the year 2014, with 1,561 points out of 1,800 (86.72%). Stanley Bigord, of Collège Saint-Louis Roi de France (Port-au-Prince), is the laureate in Philo with 1,421 points out of 1,700 (83.58%). "Histoire du style musical d’Haïti" The musicologist Claude Dauphin, of Haitian origin living in Canada, has just published an essay on Haitian music "istoire du style musical d’Haïti" (History of Haiti musical style) Editions "Mémoire d'encrier" in which he addresses the peasant traditions, including voodoo, popular music, but also classical music. Manufacture of sandals and epidermal soap Recently, the island of La Gonave enjoyed a training session "creative workshops". The training given to fifty young people, focused on the manufacture of sandals and epidermal soap. The training was given by Jean-Bertrand Royaliste Lafontaine aka "Profèt Touman", responsible for the Foundation of the same name, which deals with the reintegration of youth in the South. This session has seen huge success, both among young beneficiaries and young people who have not had the chance to participate in this activity. Demand is growing for the multiplication of such an event for young people across the island. Working session between MHAVE and MAE Saturday a working meeting was held between the Ministry of Haitians Living Abroad (MHAVE) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), around the binational relations between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. A brief summary of the main agreements signed between Haiti and the Dominican Republic under the binational dialogue was presented onbig screen for the participants by the Roving ambassador Régine Lamur. HL/ HaïtiLibre
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