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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
09/07/2014 15:01:25

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
World Cup in brief...Brazil humiliated collapses
Monday, Germany inflicted the worst humiliation in Brazil's history by defeating the Seleção [1-7]. It only took 11' to Germany to open the score [0-1] thanks to a point blank shot by Müller, but the worst was yet to come for the Brazilian. 12 minutes later the Brazilian fate is already sealed, so they conceded 4 more goals in 6 minutes (23' M.Klose [0-2], 24' T.Kroos [0-3], 26' T.Kroos [0-4] and to the 29' S.Khedira [0-5])under booed of their supporters. In the second half the Brazilians seemed completely sounded seeking to save their honor in a climate of utter desolation. At the 69' Schürrle widening score [0-6] and adds in a doubled to 79' 1 more goal [0-7]. Finally at 90' Oscar manages to find fault in the German goalkeeper and reduce the score booed [1-7]... but it is too late and many shameful Brazilian fans have already left the stadium. Germany qualified for his first final since 2002 (the 8th World Cup final of its history). Victim of a collective mental breakdown, Brazilian appear not to have been able to overcome the forfeit of Neymar, their star player, nor the suspension of Thiago, their captain.

Interception of 34 boat people
Sunday, the Bahamian authorities announced that they have intercepted 34 Haitian migrants (15 men, 18 women, and a girl), aboard a sailboat off Abaco Island, one of the islands of the archipelago close to States. Wholes migrants received medical care and will transfer to New Providence, the most populated island in the Bahamas.

World Cup schedule of match semifinal Netherlands / Argentina
This Wednesday, July 9 the Netherlands will face Argentina in semifinal 4:00 pm Haiti time.

Health: Graduation of the 2013-2014 promotion of PFET
This Wednesday, the Ministry of Public Health and Population has proceeded to the Hotel Royal Oasis at the graduation ceremony of the 2013-2014 Promotion, of Training Programme in Field Epidemiology (PFET) - Intermediate Course. Promotion whose the First Lady Sophia Martelly is the sponsor.

"Justice does not live by scandals, it die of them"
Wendelle Coq, the new Vice-President of the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-11548-haiti-justice-a-woman-named-vice-president-of-the-cspj.html called on his colleagues to unite in order to maintain the confidence of the population. "Justice does not live by scandals, it die of them," she declared, adding "We need to pull ourselves to adequately fulfill our mission," and asked the magistrates, who complain including poor working conditions, to exercise patience noting that "not everything can be done at the same time."

HL/ HaitiLibre

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