Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 05/07/2014 14:31:13 Former President Jean-Claude Duvalier and Boniface Alexandre, went Saturday morning at the funeral of former President Leslie Manigat. After the civil ceremony, was held the religious ceremony which was led by Mgr. Guire Poulard and Mgr. Pierre-André Dumas Charge case rejected in the lower house Thursday, the Lower House definitively rejected [54 votes for, 0 against and 2 abstentions] the charge case gainst the President Martelly, Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, on the death of Judge Jean Serge Joseph. Note that this case was presented to the Lower House following a request from the Senate, which had previously voted in favor of an impeachment. New postponement at CSPJ - Social assistance some figures Friday, the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ) was in the impossibility to appoint its 3rd representative to the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) to replace Marie Carole Floréal Duclervil. The scheduled meeting, having been postponed due to the absence of the President of the CSPJ... Training of executives of MTIC Maryse Noël, the Director General of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Industries (MTCI), in its effort to improve the performance of the staff of the Ministry, received to her Margareth Duroseau Alexis, representative of "Makaya Sistèm" came to offer the services of his company for the training in: customer service,know how and and etiquette, as well as integration into the workplace. HL/ HaitiLibre
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