Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 24/06/2014 14:08:24 Monday a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Industries (MTIC) and Collège Montmorency in Quebec, to develop training programs particularly in hygiene and sanitation, management of tourist sites, technical of heritage interpretation. 1,627 future teachers undergo the exams of the ENI 1,627 candidates, future teachers in the 10 departments undergo the exams of the Normal Schools for Teachers (ENI) from 23 to 27 June. West welcomes the highest effective with 873 candidates, North (158) and Artibonite (135). The lowest contingent is on the South-East with 31 candidates. Meeting with CEO of Kleren Tasdoudou The Consul General of Haiti in Montreal, Justin Viard met Yves Charles, CEO of Kleren Tasdoudou, a Haitian ginger liqueur, already on sale in the Quebec market and whose objective at the longer term is to conquer all North American market. This meeting was held as part of the commitment of the Consular Mission of Haiti to Montreal to promote Haiti and local products. Rehabilitation of Road Infrastructure As part of the implementation of Communal Fund in the Department of the West, the Commune of Carrefour, especially Mahotière 75, was completely rehabilitated in road infrastructure. World Day of Public Service Monday, during the commemoration of the World Day of Public Service in Haiti the direction of the Office of Management and Human Resources (OMRH) declared "On this occasion, let's towards public servants who have made significant efforts to improve the lives of people who have dedicated their lives to public service. It is appropriate to remember that access to quality public services is essential to the development of a country." HL/ HaitiLibre
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