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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
15/05/2014 15:17:23

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Mirlande Manigat very angry
Tuesday, on the eve of the celebration of 3 years of President Martelly, Mirlande Manigat visibly very angry against the Head of State said on the airwaves of a radio station of the capital "If Michel Martelly wants to serve the population, he must abandon power [...] Michel Martelly should leave because he is unable to govern properly [...] The government is only propaganda [...] If it was me, the country would not be in this state. Moreover, it is not difficult to do better than Martelly [...]"

Anti-governmental protests
Wednesday, nearly 2,000 protesters marched through the streets of Por -au-Prince on the occasion of the third anniversary of the accession to power of President Michel Martelly. Brandishing placards and launching hostile words to the government, they demanded the resignation of the Head of State. The situation was tense in the vicinity of the Faculty of Ethnology and the École Normale Supérieure where students seeking improved living conditions of the students had erected barricades of burning tires and throwing stones, paralyzing traffic. Violence has also been reported in Cap-Haitien, where windshields were broken by young protesters. In the capital, clashes between opponents and police have made ​​at least one gunshot wound and a petrol station was set on fire... The police intervened to disperse with tear gas, the protesters before they get to the National Palace, in front which the President and his government in the presence of a large crowd, had organized a big party to promote the achievements of the Government.

The Minister of Finance in the Senate...
Wednesday a working meeting on the draft Finance Act revised for the current fiscal year, took place between the Senate Committee "Economy and Finance" and Marie Carmelle Jean Marie, the Minister of Finance who was accompanied of Director General of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGI) and the Office of monetization. Senator Jocelerme Privert, President of the Commission took the opportunity to denounce the mismanagement of funds Petrocaribe.

Government celebrates its achievements
Wednesday, President Martelly and Prime Minister Lamothe went in the area of ​​the Champ de Mars where a compact and enthusiastic crowd made them anovation. The Prime Minister has sent a clear message to the radical who engaged in acts of vandalism in the streets of the capital during the anti-governmental demonstration organized by the opposition "Haiti wants Peace, Haiti wants progress. Days of terror and policies of the past are end. The time is to the mutual understanding and democracy."

205 Bolivian military, deployed to Haiti
The Legislative Assembly of Bolivia adopted unanimously the authorization for the deployment of military troops within the Minustah in Haiti. The troops will consist of 205 soldiers who will remain for six months in Haitian territory and leave in two groups; The first contingent will leave for Haiti Saturday, May 17 and the second a week later.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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