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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
09/05/2014 14:49:44

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
French aid is not enough
Wednesday, Valerie Trierweiler, former First Lady of France, in Haiti since May 5 went to the Children's Hospital of Our Little Brothers and Sisters of Saint Damien Chateaublond. Then she met with representatives of the Haitian Citizen Development Association and the Society of pediatricians. Thursday, she was to Jacmel to visit among other the School Molière Chandler, in the neighborhood of Orangers. Valerie Trierweiler also said to consider a message to François Hollande [former mate) to inform him "that French aid is not sufficient" recalling that the French President has promised to come to Haiti in 2015 and he will see by itself.

Case Duvalier resumption of hearings
The additional investigation of the trial of former President Jean-Claude Duvalier is relaunched. On Thursday, the judge Durin Duret Junior auditioned separately two of the victims of the regime of Baby Doc namely Lilianne Pierre Paul and Robert Duval.

Delegation of the Caribbean Tourism Organization in Haiti
A delegation from the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) is in the country from 8 to 10 May 2014. This delegation composed of Mr. Hugh Riley, Secretary General and Chief Executive Office and Faye Gill Director of Customer Service of members, was received by Ms. Emilie Jessy Menos, Secretary of State for Tourism and Industries and Maryse Noel Director of the Ministry. This exploratory visit has among other for objectives, to boost relations between Haiti and the CTO. At the end of its first day, the delegation attended a welcome dinner and visited the Museum of the National Pantheon of Haiti (MUPANAH).

New PSUGO Coordinator
Thursday, Reynold Telfort was installed as General Coordinator Universal Schooling Programs, Free and Compulsory (PSUGO) of the Ministry of National Education. He will ensure simultaneously the acting Coordination of the program Education for All (EPT) [program of free school grant of non-public schools, from the 1st to the 6th fundamental year], he succeeds to Pierre Délima.

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