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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
29/04/2014 13:31:07

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
New Director of the Traffic Police
Monday the Directorate of Traffic and Traffic Police, proceeded with the installation of Chief Commissioner Godson Jeune as the new Director. He succeeds to the Commissioner Will Dimanche, known as a close of President Martelly.

Chikugunya in Haiti, a rumor for now

Contrary to rumor, the chikugunya is not officially present in Haiti. Twenty suspected cases collected in particular to Léogâne, should be very soon diagnosed in the Regional Reference Laboratory for the Caribbean (Carfa). Note that the disease has been detected in the Dominican Republic there are less than a month, where 17 cases of chikugunya have been confirmed. To reduce the presence of mosquitoes (vector of this disease) must be removed stagnant water at home and around the home, said Dr. Corvil Solomon, Head of Department of Epidemiological Surveillance, Ministry of Health.

REMINDER: Financing available for 4 students
The Ministry of Women and Women's Rights, recalls that it has funding to help 4 students / graduating students of a state university, whose the output memory, addresses the gender issues. For more information, please call: 3227 6820.

6th Summit of Associations of Caribbean States
On the sidelines of the 6th Summit of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) in Mexico, Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Industry will participate in the Thematic Meeting "Looking for New Opporunities of Trade and Invesment" during which she will present the Tourism Development Plan of Côtes-de-Fer.

Distribution 3,000 food kits
Friday and Saturday, 3,000 food kits "Panye solidarite" have been distributed to St Marc. Carl-Henry Bien-Aimé, Deputy Delegate of the Department of Artibonite, participated in the distribution.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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