Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 06/04/2014 14:18:54 "Because March 31, 2014 was the date marking the end of the period for payment of the land tax of properties built, rental tax, the Tax Administration of the City of Pétion-Ville notify all taxpayers, this period expired, the Tax Administration reserves the right to apply the law stipulating the interests of delay of 5% per month or fraction of a month up to the amount of tax in default of payment, to March 31. This accumulation of interest will be calculated strictly against the taxpayer backward. In addition, in the case of a false declaration, Article 28 of the tax law, asking to pay a penalty of 50% on the principal amount will also be applied." Laurent Lamothe urge the Senate to move forward... On Friday, Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe urged the Senate [who has done nothing] urge the Senate to contribute to the consolidation of Haiti’s democracy and move forward with the implementation of El rancho agreement. The Monitoring Committee of the Agreement El Rancho loses 2 members The Monitoring Committee of the El Rancho agreement inform the mediator [the Episcopal Conference of Haiti (CEH)] that 2 members of the Commission have integrated the Government of Opening (Rudy Heriveaux as Minister of Communication and Himler Rebu as Minister of Youth, Sports and Civic Action) so that steps are taken to replace them. DTER touring the South The Technical Department at the Rural Energy (DTER) conducted a tour of the South in order to assess the need for public and domestic lighting in the deep south. Students from Belgium visit the MUPANAH... Friday as part of the workshop "Haiti 2014 Impressions of Africa" https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-10862-haiti-news-some-news-here-and-there.html students in plastic arts from the National School of Arts and the National School of Visual Arts of La Cambre (Belgium) visited the Musée du Panthéon National Haïtien (MUPANAH)
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