Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 02/04/2014 16:43:02 The Directorate of Political Affairs and Human Rights (DAPDH) of the Ministry of the Interior and Local Authorities, in order to ensure the proper functioning of foundations operating in the metropolitan area, began to control them. The DAPDH also seeks to determine whether the institutions truly working to improve living conditions of the targeted communities and for the development in general. Adjust and harmonize judicial acts The Ministry of Justice and Public Safety and the School of Magistrates in Haiti, organized with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and other partners, a working forum with judges, government auditors and executives of the police in order to the harmony of judicial acts. This initiative of adjustment and standardization of acts of criminal proceedings at normative and social realities, will allow the improvement of effectiveness and efficiency of the criminal prosecution while reducing the processing time for criminal cases and contribute to access to justice. Exhibition of orchids The orchid exhibition "Orchid Extravaganza 2014" will take place in the gardens of Karibe Convention Center 11-12-13 April 2014. For information and reservations: 37-06-73-43. Launch of Phase II of the project "Education for All" The Education for All Project has for objective : to support the enrollment of students in non-government primary schools in disadvantaged areas, promote the presence of students in the classroom in schools in selected disadvantaged areas and increase the capacity of management of basic education. New premises for the Presidential Commission for the reform of the justice The Presidential Commission for the reform of justice, will soon be installed inside the Ministry of Justice. 6 peacekeepers of the Paraguayan military contingent of MINUSTAH currently building the 3 prefabricated structures to house in a few weeks, the offices of the Commission. Launched February 20, 2014, the work should be completed in late April. The project with a value of more than U.S. $ 120,000, is funded by UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services). HL/ HaiïtiLibre
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