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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
16/03/2014 14:16:32

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Evaluation of the performance in term of management of public debt
On Thursday, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has launched the evaluation mission of the performance in term of management of public debt, in collaboration with the World Bank. This mission aims to : assess the performance in debt management ; assess the strengths and the improve of operations of management of public debt in Haiti ; provide a basis to initiate reforms in the future in term of management of debt and use the "Debt Management Performance Assessment" (DeMPA), a performance assessment tool in terms of debt.

International Award for UCLBP
An international award will be presented by the World Urban Forum organized by UN-HABITAT, next May in Medellín (Colombia), to the Unit for Housing Construction and Public Buildings (UCLBP), for his efforts and solutions made ​​in the reconstruction of Haiti after the earthquake of 2010 "It's a major award that is granted [...] deserves it for the work that has made UCLBP," said Ali Alwahti a specialist of the World Bank.

5th Edition of Reading Marathon
The 5th Edition of Reading Marathon, organized by the Association Small readers around the theme "Read in all contemporaneity" will be held from March 15 to 23, in Port-au-Prince and in provinces. The Marathon this year proposes contemporary Haitian and foreign literary works: poems, novels, stories, theater... This choice is also an opportunity to facilitate meetings between readers and authors in a friendly way on the occasion of a series of activities: reading stage, children in the country of letters, dialogues at author, concert texts, signatures sales etc...

17th edition of the Francophonie Week (Brasilia)
Mr. Madsen Chérubin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Haiti in Brazil and President of the Group of Ambassadors of Francophonie in Brasilia, invites the public to participate in the Semaine de la Francophonie from 18 to 24 March 2014. The famous singer and musician Haitian Beethova Obas, will be the special guest. He produced two shows at "Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil" (CBN). Tuesday, March 18 at 7pm for the official opening VIP by invitation only and Wednesday, March 19 at 7:30 pm (Free and open to the public). he full program of the Francophonie Week: concert, film festival, food, bazaar etc... is available on the website : www.francofonia.org.br/index.php?lang=fr

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