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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
09/03/2014 14:02:37

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Tribute to Women in our History
On the occasion of International Women's Day, the Museum of Haitian National Pantheon (MUPANAH) paid tribute to all the women who have contributed to the epic of 1804, making Haiti the first free and independent black state of the New World. The names of several of them are listed in the "Honor Roll of the Resistance for independence" : Cécile Fatiman, Manmzelle, Henriette St Marc, Eléonore, Rebecca, Madame Guillaume, Sanite Bélaire, Elisabeth, Catherine Flon, Marie Jeanne, Claire Heureuse and Suzanne Leroux.

« Without peace, development is impossible...
Upon his return, the Cardinal Chibly Langlois reiterated its determination to resume dialogue between the Executive and the Senate for the signature of an agreement to resolve the crisis... The dialogue must continue without this, we will not have peace and without peace, development is impossible," he declared.

Training of local authorities
Under the coordination of the Economic and Social Assistance Fund (FAES), a delegation of the government program "Bon Dijans /Bon Solidarite" has recently visited the town of Belle-Anse (Department of Southeast). The visit was carried out in order to organize a training seminar for the benefit of some local authorities of this locality : Boards of Communal Sections (CASECs), Administrations of Communal Sections (ASECS), including community workers from other areas, "Nan Magre", "Mabriyòl", "Segen", "Mon Kajak."

Sandra Honoré pays tribute to the Haitian woman

Sandra Honoré, Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Haiti, declared in the framework of the International Women's Day "I want to pay tribute to the Haitian woman: mother, daughter, sister, professional, political, Academician, of the rural world and urban, which continue to rise, with courage and determination, the challenges of reconstruction and development [...] In Haiti, significant efforts continue to be made ​​[...] the battle for gender equality is far from over because international and national mechanisms to promote gender equality are not yet fully applied."

HL/ HaitiLibre

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