Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 05/03/2014 12:55:10 The airport of Les Cayes with a runway of 2,400 m, will have direct flights without going through the Toussaint Louverture International Airport. According to Philippe Cinéas, the Secretary of State for Transport, the initial estimated cost of 26.5 million U.S. dollars has been revised upwards ($ 40 million), primarily due to additional facilities including a 2,500 m2 terminal and parking that can accommodate 150 vehicles. Surprising partial census of enterprises... The partial results of the census of enterprises of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry show that slightly more than 90% of companies in Haiti can not be regarded as enterprises, such as defined in the study due to a number of less than 1,500 U.S. dollars turnover (± 96,000 gourdes). Only 6.14% of businesses in Haiti are micro-enterprises, 3.22% are small businesses, 0.36% are medium-sized and large companies 0.11% Europe promises €5 million for elections Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council promised a budget of € 5 million for the organization of the forthcoming elections in Haiti. Elections whose we always ignores the budget and calendar... Neighborhoods satisfied of small community projects In Bois Patate and Villa Rosa, small projects of community platforms are already completed. Residents of these areas observe the changes in their neighborhoods and are satisfied with these advances. Other smaller projects are in progress in other areas such as : Nérette, Jalousie, Morne Hercule, Morne Lazarre et Morne Hebo. Facilitate access to basic services in these neighborhoods is a priority for community platforms, which hold for several months, all the leadership in their community. HL/ HaïtiLibre
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