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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
28/02/2014 13:42:45

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Carnival 2014numbers in case of emergency
In case of emergency during the carnival-Atibonite Gonaïves use the following phone numbers / 3820-4444 / 3821-4444 / 3822-4444 / 2208-1111 / 2208-1112 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-10628-haiti-social-carnival-d-2-details-on-the-progress-of-artistic-parade.html

"Kore Etidyan" in Port-de-Paix
From 24 to 28 February 2014, Kore Etidyan performs the registrations of beneficiaries at the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences in Port-de-Paix. https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-10552-haiti-education-kore-etidyan-wants-to-double-the-number-of-beneficiaries-2013-2014.html

Project of development of corridors Dantes-Deluy
Thursday, within the framework of Integrated development program of Informal Areas of Port-au-Prince (AIQIP), funded by the European Union and the French Development Agency (AFD), the development project of corridors in Dantes-Deluy (Martissant) has been presented to several members of the community of this zone gathered at the Park Martissant. Project management is provided by the Unit for Housing Construction and Public Buildings (UCLBP) while knowledge and freedom Foundation (FOKAL) intervenes in the control of urban and social work. Community teams will take care of the implementation of interventions.

Politour and excursions on the sidelines of Carnival
Wednesday, as part of the security of revelers wishing to participate in free excursions https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-10618-haiti-carnival-2014-free-excursions-in-artibonite-book-now.html that the Ministry organizes in the Artibonite department at the National Carnival in Gonaives, 2.3 and 4 next March, Ms. Dieudonne Luma Etienne, Regional Director Northern Ministry of Tourism, met the High Command of the Politour (specialized structure of the Haitian National Police, in tourism activities).

Cooperation in Agriculture with Namur ?
The President Michel Martelly, during his official visit to Belgium, invited Denis Mathen, the Governor of the Province of Namur, to discover the beauty of Haiti. The possibility of cooperation between Haiti and the Province of Namur was also discussed, particularly in the agricultural sector.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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