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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
22/02/2014 15:54:56

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Denial of President Martelly
Thursday, during an interview with Radio France Internationale, President Michel Martelly has formally denied the accusations of those he calls "the eternal opposition", which claims that the Head of State had personally invited the former President Duvalier, to participate in the ceremony of 210th anniversary of Independence. The Head of State said he had extended an invitation to all former Head of State of country but only the former President Prosper Avril and JC Duvalier, responded to this invitation.

Case CSC / CA, response of Senate
The general Secretariat of the Presidency confirmshaving received on February 17, the response of the Assistant Secretary General for legislative affairs of the Senate, to the request for information addressed to the President of the Senate on February 15. In this correspondence are attached additional information about the files of the three candidates to the Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes (CSC / CA) missing to the list of advisors published Friday, February 14th in the # 31, of the official newspaper "Le Moniteur". The Secretariat clarified that these additional information, are currently the subject of careful examination by an "ad hoc" commission to recommend in the best time to the President of the Republic, what appropriate.

Duvalier: FIDH welcomes the decision of the Court of Appeal
The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) welcomes the decision by the Court of Appeal of Port-au-Prince, to reinstate the charges against Jean-Claude Duvalier https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-10576-haiti-justice-bouncing-in-the-case-jean-claude-duvalier.html "With this decision the Haitian judicial authorities have sent a strong signal in favor of the restoration of the rule of law. However, today it remains to implement this decision, in particular by really investigating on the abuses during the dictatorship, interviewing victims and conducting exhumations necessary..." declared Patrick Baudouin, honorary president of the FIDH.

President Martelly talks business with members of the AFEP
On Friday, President Michel Martelly, second and final day of his official visit to France, has multiplied his meetings with members of the French Association of Private Companies (AFEP). The Head of State, accompanied by among other Wilson Laleau, Minister of Economy and Finance and Grégory Mevs, Co-Chairman of the Presidential Advisory Council for Economic Development and Investment (CCPDEI), placed particular emphasis on the many business opportunities offered by the new Haiti. He invited the French entrepreneurs to be more active in tenders. An invitation, very well received by Pringuet, Chairman of AFEP, who expressed his willingness to work actively on the proposals of the Head of State of Haiti.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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