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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
16/01/2014 12:49:32

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
« Pa dwe gen pitit deyò »
Monday , Marc-Élie Nelson, the Director General of the Ministry of Haitians Living Abroad (MHAVE), has renewed his commitment to work for the happiness of the institution and for the benefit of the diaspora in a meeting with all employees. During this meeting, he presented his New Year wishes to the staff and promised a salary equal to the entire family of MHAVE. "Pa dwe gen pitit deyò sou administrasyon pa m nan. Tout moun ap jwenn menm avantaj," said Mr. Nelson following the complaints made ​​by certain employees of the Ministry who are assigned to the National Archives of Haiti and in kiosk Toussaint Louverture International Airport. At the end of the meeting, which lasted nearly two hours, Mr. Nelson called for professionalism and open collaboration of everyone for the year 2014.

Meeting with the Deputy Special Representative of the Minustah
The Minister of Interior and Territorial Communities, Major David Basile, met on the morning of Tuesday, January 14, 2014, with the new Deputy Special Representative of the Minustah, Mr. Peter De Clercqs. During this meeting, which was held in the Annex of MICT at Champs de Mars, the Holder of the Ministry of Interior and the Emissary of the United Nations, also resident Humanitarian Coordinator and United Nations have particularly addressed the issue of Haitians still living in IDP camps and relocation strategies of the latter.

MENFP presents the criteria for appointment of executive directors
In order to improve the governance of public universities in the region (UPR), the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) informed that the appointment of an executive director in the UPR must meet the following criteria : according to a note that ministry, to hold the position of Executive Director, it is necessary to hold a Master of Business Administration r a degree in business management accompanied by a Masters in Public Administration with at least three years of experience. The current executive directors who have a degree in accounting or business management have a period of two years to complete their training.

Students at Shippensburg University in MUPANAH
Students from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania in the United States, accompanied by their teacher, visited the MUPANAH this Tuesday, January 14, 2014. Their presence in the country is within the scope of a course on Haiti, part of the curriculum of the Department of Foreign Languages​​. While in Haiti, they visited various places and sites.

Rule of Law and Strengthening State Institutions
Yesterday Wednesday the Prime Minister had a working meeting with the members of the CSPJ on the theme, Rule of Law and Strengthening State Institutions, around the various constraints, including budgetary and logistical issues faced by this important institution.

HL /HaitiLibre

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