Haiti - Social : Rain of wishes (Part 3)

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Haiti - Social : Rain of wishes (Part 2)

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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
11/01/2014 14:58:23

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Statement of the Embassy of the United States
Statement of the Embassy of the United States to mark the 4th anniversary of 12 January 2010 "On the fourth anniversary of the earthquake that hit Haiti on January 12, 2010, the United States joins Haiti to remember all victims. We remember the lives lost, and in their memory, we pledge to work every single day to move Haiti forward and make Haiti and Haitians’ lives better. Today Haiti shows signs of recovery and potential. We are encouraged and hopeful about Haiti’s future development. The United States is committed to continue working in partnership with Haiti to help build a better future for its citizens."

The new coach of Grenadiers arrives Sunday
Yves Jean-Bart (Dadou) the President of the Haitian Football Federation (FHF) announced that new coach Marc Collat will arrive with his statf in Haiti Sunday, January 12 to take control of the national selection "Grenadiers". He will be presented to the press Wednesday, January 15 at the headquarters of the FHF (Ranch of the Croix-des-Bouquets).

33th edition of the international competition of business plans
Wednesday was held in Montreal, the 33th edition of the international competition of business plans. The oldest and one of the most prestigious in the world. This 33rd edition, brought together 36 universities from more than 15 countries, to propose solutions to the challenge in Haiti, electricity for all. Introduced by Michaëlle JEAN, the Haitian case was presented by Dr. Jean-René Jumeau, Minister Delegate in charge of Energy Security. For analysts and international experts, there is a glimmer of hope for Haiti "the existence of a Minister for energy security, is the evidence that the current administration is firmly committed to addressing the problems energy !"

January 12, Commemoration in Martissant
Sunday, January 12, to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the earthquake of January 12, 2010, Knowledge and Freedom Foundation (FOKAL) organized a memorial ceremony in the Memorial Park Martissant from 2:00 pm On this occasion, the Directorate of FOKAL, the park administration and residents of Martissant, will plant 23 trees "ylang ylang" in the Memorial, symbolizing the 23 sub-parts of the area affected by the earthquake. The opportunity to salute the memory of our compatriots and foreigners who died during that fateful day and the victims of Martissant in particular. Program: 2:00 pm: welcoming guests - 3:00 pm: planting of 23 trees - 4:00 pm: commemoration ceremony with a reading of Jean-René Lemoine - 4:53 pm (earthquake) a minute of silence.

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