iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7 |

iciHaiti - Canada : New support program for the Haitian entrepreneurship 17/06/2016 10:39:29 |
The National Support for Haitian Entrepreneurship (Programme d'appui national à la structuration de l'entrepreneuriat haïtien - PANSEH) is a technical support program which aims to contribute to Haiti's economic growth.... |
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iciHaiti - Politic : Reflections on Haiti's competitiveness in the energy sector 17/06/2016 09:44:07 |
At the initiative of the Council of Economic and Social Development (CDES), the Primature held a meeting in order to enrich the discussions around the « Energy competitiveness and the regulatory framework ». Public and private operators... |
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iciHaiti - Social : Inauguration of Village Guy Alexandre 17/06/2016 09:16:55 |
The Village Guy Alexandre located at K-Cité, Petite-Rivière de l’Artibonite, built by the NGO Food For the Poor, was inaugurated as part of the week of celebration of 30 years of the NGO in Haiti... |
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iciHaiti - Agriculture : $46M for the relaunching of the coffee sector 16/06/2016 11:37:53 |
Given the strategic importance of the coffee sector and despite its decline, the coffee continuing to play an important economic role in Haiti. In view of the relaunch of this sector in Haiti, a meeting was held between... |
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iciHaiti - Religion : International Symposium «Protestantism in Haiti and its Diaspora» 16/06/2016 10:25:37 |
This Thursday at the National Library of Haiti, the « Laboratoire LAngages DIscours REprésentations » (LADIREP) of the State University of Haiti organizes (16 and 17 June), the international conference « Protestantism in Haiti and its diaspora »...
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iciHaiti - Social : Francesca Mérentié Cinéas, nominated for the «Excellence Award of black women» 16/06/2016 09:40:13 |
The actress and TV host, Francesca Mérentié Cinéas, Canadian of Haitian origin, is one of 100 women nominated in Canada for the « Excellence Award of black women » of the Black Women Canadian Awards... |
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iciHaiti - Education : Thank you to the Spanish Cooperation 15/06/2016 10:57:05 |
Louis Mary Cador, the Director General of the Ministry of Education proceeded to the official inauguration of the Fundamental School of Application and Teaching Support Centre (EFACAP) of Marigot (commune of Southeast near Jacmel)... |
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iciHaiti - NOTICE Diaspora : Schedule of next «Konsila Mobil» 15/06/2016 09:29:17 |
The Consulate of the Republic of Haiti in Orlando informs the Haitian Community of Central Florida that the next service « Konsila Mobil » is scheduled for June 29, 2016... |
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iciHaiti - Culture : Closure of the Friendly Cultures Fair 15/06/2016 09:11:27 |
The 8th Edition of the « Friendly Cultures Fair » that concluded its activities there a few days in Mexico City, with the participation of 93 invited countries including Haiti, received this year according to organizers more than 3.5 million visitors... |
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iciHaiti - Tourism : Towards the improvement of the reception at Gelée Plage 14/06/2016 11:27:35 |
Friday, Jude Bonhomme, the Departmental Director of Tourism South accompanied by architect Hebert Clermont and by the engineer Came Duquella of the DDS of the Ministry of Public Works, went during a first joint visit to Gelée Plage... |
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