Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - School canteen : Japan will support nearly 18,000 students daily (2025-2026)

Haiti - FLASH : DIE denies false accusations against its Director

Haiti - Security : Installation of members of the National Disarmament Commission...

Haiti - Security : 25 FAd’H soldiers return from specialized training in Martinique

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iciHaiti - Good news : Pope Francis' prognosis is no longer reserved

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iciHaiti - Dom. Rep. : 2 criminals arrested and handed over to Haitian authorities

iciHaïti - Disability : Inclusion and resilience through Basketball in Haiti

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iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7

iciHaiti - FLASH diaspora : Calendar Mobile Consulate
iciHaiti - FLASH diaspora : Calendar Mobile Consulate
30/07/2016 10:04:41
The Consulate of the Republic of Haiti in Orlando informs the Haitian Community of Central Florida...
iciHaiti - Montreal : Haiti at the World Music Festival of Women
iciHaiti - Montreal : Haiti at the World Music Festival of Women
30/07/2016 09:26:46
Haiti participates in Montreal, 5th Edition of the World Music Festival of Women from here and elsewhere from 29 to 31 July 2016...
iciHaiti - Politic : UN Special Rapporteur in mision in the country
iciHaiti - Politic : UN Special Rapporteur in mision in the country
29/07/2016 11:32:55
Kishore Singh, the UN Special Rapporteur for the Right to Education is on a mission to Haiti from Friday 28 until July 31...
iciHaiti - Economy : ADIH discusses smuggling with Privert
iciHaiti - Economy : ADIH discusses smuggling with Privert
29/07/2016 09:45:19
This week at the National Palace, the de facto President Jocelerme Privert, accompanied by Yves Romain Bastien, Minister of Economy and Finance, met with members of the Association of Industries of Haiti on smuggling issue...
iciHaiti - FLASH : Official inauguration of the Commercial Portal of Haiti
iciHaiti - FLASH : Official inauguration of the Commercial Portal of Haiti
29/07/2016 09:20:23
This Friday, July 29, 2016, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry jointly with the World Bank (WB), will proceed with the official opening of the Commercial Information Portal of Haiti...
iciHaïti - Sport : Binational promotion for rugby practice in Haiti
iciHaïti - Sport : Binational promotion for rugby practice in Haiti
28/07/2016 11:05:04
A pact was signed in the framework of the « Festival Deportivo de la Frontera 2016 », between Nicolas Volcy, president of the Haitian Federation of Rugby, Jaime David Fernandez Mirabal, Minister of Sports of the Dominican Republic...
iciHaiti - Education : Inauguration of National School of Furcy
iciHaiti - Education : Inauguration of National School of Furcy
28/07/2016 09:15:59
On Wednesday, the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) and the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) have proceeded to the inauguration of the National School of Furcy...
iciHaiti - Politic : 3rd Conference of Heads of Diplomatic Mission of Haiti
iciHaiti - Politic : 3rd Conference of Heads of Diplomatic Mission of Haiti
28/07/2016 08:56:21
Thursday 28 and Friday, July 29, 2016 at the Hotel Kinam II (Petion-ville), will be held the 3rd Conference of Heads of Diplomatic Missions of Haiti around the theme « Diplomacyat the service of Development of the Country »...
iciHaiti - Health : Popular gathering in front of HUEH
iciHaiti - Health : Popular gathering in front of HUEH
27/07/2016 10:42:50
Tuesday Me Etzer Jean Louis, President of the « Health Commission of the Haitian popular Parliament », said he was deeply concerned about the persistence of the strike by resident doctors of public hospitals...
iciHaiti - Technology : Energy Architecture, Haiti 117th out of 120 countries
iciHaiti - Technology : Energy Architecture, Haiti 117th out of 120 countries
27/07/2016 09:45:57
In the latest ranking of the World Economic Forum on the performance index of energy architecture, Haiti is found in the back of the pack of poor students, in 117th position out of 120 countries...

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