iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7 |

iciHaiti - Japan : Construction of the École Mixte Botanique of Piquette 13/03/2017 10:03:11 |
As part of the « Assistance in the form of Donations to Local Micro-Projects » a grant agreement was signed between the Ambassador of Japan accredited to Port-au-Prince, Yoshiaki Hatta and Stephen Osias, Representative of the Association of Peasants... |
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iciHaiti - Education : Towards the National Assessment of School Achievement 13/03/2017 09:02:39 |
Officials from the IDB and of the Project Coordination Unit, of the Ministry of National Education, met to review the different stages of the process of national evaluation of school achievement 2017 in the 4th and 7th fundamental year... |
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iciHaiti - Culture : Closing of the International Jazz Festival 13/03/2017 08:34:44 |
The President Jovenel Moïse, takes advantage of the closing of the 11th edition of the International Festival of Jazz in Port-au-Prince to greet the event and congratulate its promoters who knew open hrough this Festival a beautiful window on Haiti... |
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iciHaiti - Arcahaie : The American Chamber of Commerce in Haiti denounces 12/03/2017 10:20:05 |
The American Chamber of Commerce in Haiti (AmCham) joins the various voices that have already been raised to denounce acts of violence in Arcahaie... |
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iciHaiti - Sport : Haitian-Canadian Jennifer Abel, gold medal in synchronized diving 12/03/2017 09:22:25 |
Each year, the FINA Diving Grand Prix invites divers from all parts of the world to compete during the February-November period in a circuit of nine four-day meets.
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iciHaiti - Politics : Services of the American Embassy to Haitians 12/03/2017 09:01:58 |
The Documentation and Information Center, of the Embassy of the United States in Port-au-Prince received a delegation of students and administrative staff from the University Polytechnic Center of Haiti... |
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Haiti - Social : Launch of the project «Clubs of Youth in Action for Peace» 11/03/2017 09:10:10 |
Yesterday Friday at Complexe Lafayette Delmas 71, took place the launch ceremony of the project « Clubs of Youth in Action for Peace... |
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iciHaiti - Santo 9 : Construction of school infrastructure 11/03/2017 08:29:08 |
This week in Croix-des-Bouquets, the construction of 6 new classrooms was launched at the Sacred Heart Institute of Jesus in Santo 9... |
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iciHaiti - Economy : «Undertake in Haiti, the future starts now» 11/03/2017 08:13:47 |
On Thursday, the Henry Christophe Campus organized a series of workshops around the theme : «Undertake in Haiti, the future starts now». This initiative, which was meant to be a stimulator of change, for young people, aimed to initiate a dialogue... |
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iciHaiti - CONATEL NOTICE : Telecommunication antenna towers inspections 10/03/2017 10:10:05 |
The CONATEL informs that from Monday 13 March 2017 its technical services will carry out the systematic inspection of the telecommunications sites with a view to verifying... |
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