iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7 |

iciHaiti - History : A Haitian laureate of the prestigious «Prix de Thèse 2017» 14/05/2017 09:30:05 |
As part of the National Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition, the Committee chose the Dr. in Ethnology and Heritage from Laval University (Québec, Canada), Jean Ronald Augustin of Haitian origin, as laureate... |
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iciHaiti - Social : A JetBlue Flight to Haiti diverted to Bermuda 14/05/2017 08:49:18 |
Saturday, JetBlue flight #1835 , which left the John F Kennedy International Airport in New York at 9:57 am for Port-au-Prince International Airport, was forced to divert his route for an emergency landing... |
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Haiti - Literature : Prize Stéphane Hessel 2017, a Haitian rewarded 13/05/2017 10:04:56 |
The Prize Stéphane Hessel 2017 of the Young French writing, organized by the Alliance Francophone, RFI and K Editions, crowned three young authors as part of its 5th edition whose theme was « the hope »... |
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iciHaiti - Economy : End of the ECOSOC mission 13/05/2017 09:28:00 |
The United Nations Economic and Social Council Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti (ECOSOC- AHAG) concluded a successful three-day official visit to Haiti... |
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iciHaiti - Security : Minister Denis determined to equip the country with a modern army 13/05/2017 09:03:41 |
May 12, 2017 brings back to the 5th anniversary of the Ministry of Defense, recreated by the Martelly Government, in accordance with the prescriptions of the 1987 Constitution amended... |
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iciHaiti - Diaspora : A Haitian receives the Hommage bénévolat-Québec awards 12/05/2017 11:11:27 |
For the first time, a Haitian, Réginald Pierre received from the hands of Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec, Michel Doyon, the Hommage bénévolat-Québec awards... |
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iciHaiti - Diaspora : 28th Anniversary of SOS Operation 12/05/2017 09:54:10 |
As part of the celebration of the 28th anniversary of Operation SOS, Consul Lesly Condé of the Consulate General of Haiti in Chicago has delivered a message... |
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iciHaiti - Economy : Sunrise Airways, new link St. Maarten - Cuba 12/05/2017 09:14:25 |
Melissa Arrindell-Doncher, Minister of Tourism of St. Maarten, announced that the growing Haiti-based airline Sunrise Airways... |
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iciHaiti - Samba 360: Football Clinic in Panyol 11/05/2017 11:28:47 |
The organization Samba 360 which is in Haiti until May 12, this week offered a football clinic in Obléon (Kenscoff) for the benefit of a group of 115 pupils of the Center of Classical Formation of Panyol... |
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iciHaiti - FLASH : First Edition of Haiti Tech Summit 11/05/2017 09:48:44 |
The First Edition of Haiti Tech Summit will be held in Haiti on 6 and 7 June 2017. Nearly 200 participants are expected...
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