Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Economy : Minister Monazard discusses factors to promote economic recovery

Haiti - Elections : Towards a referendum and elections with Peruvian expertise

Haiti - FLASH : The premises of RTVC in ruelle Chavannes burned

Haiti - News : Zapping...

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iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Launch of the GBV Model Jurisdiction Project

IciHaiti - U-17 World Cup Qualifiers Morocco 2025 : Marc Ogé at the head of the Grenadières

iciHaiti - Insecurity : Displacement reaches new heights

iciHaiti - U-20 Women's Football : 2 friendly matches in Chile for our Grenadières

iciHaiti - Obituary : Poet and novelist Anthony Phelps has left us

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iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7

iciHaiti - Politic : «February 7 does not mark the end of the Government's mandate» dixit the PM.
iciHaiti - Politic : «February 7 does not mark the end of the Government's mandate» dixit the PM.
03/02/2022 08:28:04
On Tuesday, February 2nd, Prime Minister ai Ariel Henry opened the workshop on the State Modernization Program...
iciHaiti - ARES : Workshop on research initiatives at the UEH, call for participation
iciHaiti - ARES : Workshop on research initiatives at the UEH, call for participation
02/02/2022 09:10:14
The Academy of Research and Higher Education (ARES) has been supporting the University of Haiti for twenty years in various strategic areas, particularly as a partner in the financing of research activities at the UEH...
iciHaiti - Health : Training in psychosocial support
iciHaiti - Health : Training in psychosocial support
02/02/2022 08:43:53
As part of the action program to meet Mental Health needs, the USM of the Ministry of Public Health with the support of PAHO/WHO and Catholic Relief Services organized a training aimed at strengthening skills...
iciHaiti - Economy : Launch of the Forum of Entrepreneurs (intervention of the PM)
iciHaiti - Economy : Launch of the Forum of Entrepreneurs (intervention of the PM)
02/02/2022 08:21:21
sOn Tuesday, February 1st, 2022 in the morning, Prime Minister ai Ariel Henry opened the Finscope Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Entrepreneurship Forum of the Bank of the Republic of Haiti around the theme...
iciHaiti - Public Works : Many construction sites in the South
iciHaiti - Public Works : Many construction sites in the South
01/02/2022 09:43:27
As part of its road infrastructure maintenance and repair program, the Ministry of Public Works through its Departmental Directorate of Grand'Anse, is not idle...
iciHaiti - Literature : Dany Laferrière enters the Grévin Museum in Paris
iciHaiti - Literature : Dany Laferrière enters the Grévin Museum in Paris
01/02/2022 07:22:08
This Tuesday, February 1, 2022, the wax statue of the Haitian-Canadian academician Dany Laferrière will enter the Grévin museum in Paris...
iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : The Minister of Tourism assesses the potential of forts Picolet and Saint-Joseph
iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : The Minister of Tourism assesses the potential of forts Picolet and Saint-Joseph
31/01/2022 09:57:04
On the sidelines of her stay in Cap-Haitien, the Minister of Tourism Luz Kurta Cassandra François, visited the sites of the remains of forts Picolet and Saint-Joseph...
iciHaiti - Croix-des-Bouquets : Extensive police operation, 33 arrests
iciHaiti - Croix-des-Bouquets : Extensive police operation, 33 arrests
31/01/2022 08:32:36
On Saturday January 29, 2022, a vast police operation carried out in La Croix-des-Bouquets resulted in the arrest of 33 individuals...
iciHaiti - Justice : Trafficking of stolen motorcycles 4 arrests
iciHaiti - Justice : Trafficking of stolen motorcycles 4 arrests
30/01/2022 10:46:59
A PoliFront patrol during a routine check this week arrested two individuals identified as Molière aka « Makly », and Yvenson Renelus in possession of two stolen motorcycles...
iciHaiti - Justice : Assassination of CIMO Policeman Jean Kaleb Amos, 13 suspects arrested
iciHaiti - Justice : Assassination of CIMO Policeman Jean Kaleb Amos, 13 suspects arrested
30/01/2022 09:20:35
As part of the investigation into the assassination last week of Jean Kaleb Amos INNOCENT, CIMO policeman, 13 individuals have been arrested in Raquette, in the commune of Croix-des-Bouquets....

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