iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7 |

IciHaiti - USA: The Coast Guard repatriates 311 Haitian "boat-people" 21/02/2023 09:17:09 |
Monday, February 20, 2023, the Coast Guards US Coast Cutters Tampa and Vigilant repatriated 311 Haitians to Haiti, following an interception... |
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icihaiti - PNH : A ransomer fatally injured 21/02/2023 08:30:43 |
Monday, February 20, 2023, the Rémy Amos (30 years old) native of Croix-des-Bouquets, active member of the gang « 400 Mawozo », was fatally injured... |
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iciHaiti - OJH : Training for the benefit of Cité Soleil influencers 20/02/2023 10:18:34 |
As part of its new project « Kilti ak Espò pou Lapè nan Site Solèy » the Observatory of Haitian Youth (OJH) has just launched for the benefit of young influencers of Cité Soleil... |
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iciHaiti - Roadside check : Seized of drugs, traffickers flee 20/02/2023 10:13:39 |
Sat., February 18, 2023 during a traffic check on the road to Mirebalais, agents of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) found in 2 public transport vehicles... |
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iciHaiti - Qualifying play-offs : «D-2» Our grenadiers are preparing the final against Chile 20/02/2023 08:51:42 |
Sunday the day after their qualification for the final (Haiti vs Chile), our grenadiers (reservists only) returned to Bay Olympic Soccer & Sport for the first post-match training session... |
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iciHaiti - Diaspora Canada : Tribute from the Embassy of Haiti to Dr. Yvette Bonny 19/02/2023 09:57:35 |
The Embassy of Haiti in Canada pays tribute to those who, because of their respective journeys and the contribution they have made to the advancement of Haitian communities in the different provinces of Canada... |
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iciHaiti - Culture : Carnival of Students at the Hotel School 19/02/2023 09:11:56 |
Friday, February 17, 2023, the Hotel School of Haiti (EHH) organized in its premises, its traditional «Carnival of Students» around the theme « Metye n se fòs nou »... |
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iciHaiti - Social Justice : OPC Recommendations to the Haitian State 19/02/2023 07:50:47 |
The Office for the Protection of the Citizen (OPC), National Institution of Human Rights is deeply concerned about the poor living conditions of the Haitian population... |
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iciHaiti - NOTICE : Carnival 2023, public holidays 18/02/2023 11:17:27 |
In accordance with the decree of May 23, 1989 determining, apart from national holidays, more precisely the legal holidays... |
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iciHaiti - PNH : 5 alleged drug traffickers arrested 18/02/2023 09:29:59 |
The named Romain Filidor (25 years old), Louis Judenel (30), Louis Manifs (30), Franky Pierre (32) and Joseph Robenson (39) have been arrested by the Police of Chansolme... |
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