Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - FLASH : «If this drags on much longer, there may not be much left of Haiti to save» dixit William O’Neill

Haiti - Diaspora : The «MHAVE à l’écoute» service is operational again for 6 countries (list and numbers)

Haiti - Security : National Palace Security Officer Shot and Wounded

Haiti - FLASH : First details on António Guterres' proposal to the Security Council

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iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Restocking of 35 community restaurants

iciHaiti - FLASH : The Pope has emerged from the most critical phase, but his prognosis remains reserved

iciHaiti - Unesco : New Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Haiti

iciHaiti - Security : Construction of the border wall with Haiti continues

iciHaïti - Pope's Health Bulletin : Prognosis still reserved, but new improvements

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iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7

iciHaiti - Dominican Rep. : 3 Haitians sentenced to 15 years in prison for raping and torturing two women
iciHaiti - Dominican Rep. : 3 Haitians sentenced to 15 years in prison for raping and torturing two women
06/11/2023 08:48:31
The judges of the First Collegiate Court of Santiago in the Dominican Republic sentenced to 15 years in prison each, three men of Haitian nationality who had tortured and raped two women in turn...
iciHaiti - Cholera : Daily Bulletin #318
iciHaiti - Cholera : Daily Bulletin #318
05/11/2023 09:46:08
68,584 suspected cases have been recorded since the start of the epidemic - 58 new cases of cholera (suspected and confirmed) were hospitalized in 24 hours - Positivity rate on cases tested increasing...
iciHaiti - UEH : New Dean at the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences
iciHaiti - UEH : New Dean at the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences
05/11/2023 08:25:24
Friday, November 3rd, 2023, the elections were held to designate the new members of the Deanship of the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences (FDSE) of the State University of Haiti (UEH)...
iciHaiti - FLASH : Baccalaureate for candidates that failed, registrations open
iciHaiti - FLASH : Baccalaureate for candidates that failed, registrations open
05/11/2023 07:59:37
The Ministry of National Education informs the public in general and the educational community in particular that the first session of the baccalaureate exams for candidates that failed in the 2023-2024 academic year...
iciHaiti - Cholera : Daily Bulletin #317
iciHaiti - Cholera : Daily Bulletin #317
04/11/2023 11:35:46
940 deaths since the start of the epidemic (very partial) - 61,519 cases of cholera (suspected and confirmed) have been hospitalized since the start of the epidemic - The Ministry is 22 days behind on updates...
iciHaiti - MSPP : Commemoration of Mental Health Day
iciHaiti - MSPP : Commemoration of Mental Health Day
04/11/2023 10:33:09
Under the direction of the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP), the Mental Health Unit organized two days..
iciHaiti - NOTICE : Free access to MUPANAH for 1 month
iciHaiti - NOTICE : Free access to MUPANAH for 1 month
04/11/2023 10:00:25
As part of the Year of Heritage decreed in January 2023, by the Ministry of Culture, the Museum of the Haitian National Pantheon (MUPANAH)...
iciHaiti - Cholera : Daily Bulletin #316
iciHaiti - Cholera : Daily Bulletin #316
03/11/2023 10:27:12
61,488 cases of cholera (confirmed suspects) have been hospitalized since the start of the epidemic - 96 new suspected cholera cases were reported in 24 hours - More than 1 in 3 cases tested, positive for cholera...
iciHaiti - NOTICE : Time change
iciHaiti - NOTICE : Time change
03/11/2023 09:47:53
Jude Charles Faustin, Secretary General of the Prime Minister’s Office, informs the population in general and agents of the public and private sectors in particular...
iciHaiti - Justice : Launch of public correctional hearings at CERMICOL
iciHaiti - Justice : Launch of public correctional hearings at CERMICOL
03/11/2023 09:33:12
In order to combat prolonged preventive detention in Haiti, the Ministry of Justice and the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ) have developed a synergy to combat this scourge...

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