Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Environment : Validation of the National Strategy and Action Plan for Biodiversity

Haiti - Humanitarian : Donation of 6 million US$ from the Republic of South Korea

Haiti - Taiwan : Secrets of high quality rice seeds in Haiti

Haiti - News : Zapping...

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iciHaiti - Security : Training on risk management in schools

iciHaiti - Obituary : A model and inspiring woman left us at almost 102 years old

iciHaiti - Football : International recognition of the qualities of Haitian officials

iciHaiti - Politic : Dominican Republic deported 31,204 Haitians (January 2025)

iciHaiti - NOTICE : Call for applications for Master 2 scholarships in France (2025-2026)

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iciHaiti - Social : Interview between Minister Labrousse and Bishop Louis Etienne
iciHaiti - Social : Interview between Minister Labrousse and Bishop Louis Etienne
26/05/2015 09:37:51
Monday, Bishop Louis Étienne of the organization met with Robert Labrousse, the Minister of Haitians Living Abroad, on the situation of our compatriots in the Dominican Republic...
iciHaiti - Dominican Republic : Only 2% registered foreigners, meet the requirements of PNRE
iciHaiti - Dominican Republic : Only 2% registered foreigners, meet the requirements of PNRE
25/05/2015 13:58:00
Hundreds of Haitians, continue to flow daily in the registration centers of the National Plan for the Regularization of Foreigners. However, the staff of these centers report that most Haitians, arrive without the required documents...
iciHaiti - Education : Nesmy Manigat denounces the wastage in the education sector
iciHaiti - Education : Nesmy Manigat denounces the wastage in the education sector
25/05/2015 12:35:37
At the World Education Forum, Nesmy Manigat, the Minister of National Education during his intervention during the panel on the financing of education declared « There is so much waste in this system [...] that as long as we will...
iciHaiti - Sports : Columbia University basketball team in Haiti
iciHaiti - Sports : Columbia University basketball team in Haiti
25/05/2015 10:52:09
Saturday, in the framework of the visit to Haiti, of players from the Columbia University basketball team, the Ministry of Youth, Sports...
iciHaiti - Social : The Haitian in the DR send more than $400 million in Haiti
iciHaiti - Social : The Haitian in the DR send more than $400 million in Haiti
25/05/2015 10:06:32
According to a report from the World Bank, 53% of remittances (2014), are leaving the Dominican Republic to Haiti...
iciHaiti - Health : Towards a better access to international markets
iciHaiti - Health : Towards a better access to international markets
24/05/2015 15:15:28
Fresner Dorcin, Minister of Agriculture and Michel Chancy, Secretary of State for Animal Production convened the directorates of animal health, plant protection, quarantine and laboratory to discuss of the new plant and animal health control structure....
iciHaiti - Football : Inter-School Championship Finals (North and Central Plateau)
iciHaiti - Football : Inter-School Championship Finals (North and Central Plateau)
24/05/2015 10:38:16
After the victory of the high school of Sibert at the Stade Sylvio Cator eight days ago, several interschool championship finals were held on Friday in different departments...
iciHaiti - Politic : Supervision and development of Public-Private Partnerships Contracts
iciHaiti - Politic : Supervision and development of Public-Private Partnerships Contracts
24/05/2015 09:56:41
The Central Unit of Management of Public-Private Partnerships, organised a restitution workshop of legal texts elaborated for the supervision and development of Public-Private Partnerships Contracts(PPP)...
iciHaiti - Culture : Towards the restoration of the Haitian Heritage
iciHaiti - Culture : Towards the restoration of the Haitian Heritage
24/05/2015 09:15:39
Within the framework of Heritage restoration program through different regions of the country, Dithny Joan Raton, the Minister of Culture had a working session with...
iciHaiti - USA : A Haitian pleads guilty to people smuggling
iciHaiti - USA : A Haitian pleads guilty to people smuggling
23/05/2015 15:12:19
On Thursday, a Haitian citizen pleaded guilty in Miami to have smuggled into the United States last March, 19 people of Haitian and Dominican origin...

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