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iciHaiti - Diaspora : The Haitian-American Michele Delisfort, Mayor of Union Township
03/01/2019 09:01:58

iciHaiti - Diaspora : The Haitian-American Michele Delisfort, Mayor of Union Township
On Tuesday, January 1, Michele Delisfort was sworn in as mayor of Union Township in the State of New Jersey and became the first Haitian-American woman to lead this city of 60,000 founded in 1808.

In her words of circumstance she said, "Words can not express the depth of my gratitude for all your love, support and encouragement."

Note that every May 18, Flag Party in Haiti, on the facade of the Town Hall Union Township, floats the two-colored Haitian.

Learn more about Michele Delisfort :
Michèle Delisfort, a Union Township native, holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from Rutgers University and a Master's degree in Urban Planning and Land Planning from the Edward J. Bloustein School of Public Policy and Planning.

Owner of an urban planning consultancy, she has over 20 years of professional experience in land use planning, redevelopment and community development. She is also President of the New Jersey chapter of the American Planning Association.

Prior to being elected to the Committee in 2016, she served on the Union Township Planning Board as an active member, but also as Vice-Chair.

Michèle Delisfort is the mother of two teenagers and is the daughter of Haitian parents Guy and Suzette Delisfort came from Haiti to establish their medical practice in Newark, before choosing Union Township as a community to raise their children.

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