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Haiti - Cholera : Over 500 cases of cholera post-Matthew
17/10/2016 10:04:22

Haiti - Cholera : Over 500 cases of cholera post-Matthew
On 12 October, more than 510 cases of cholera were reported by the Sanitary Directorates and partners, after the passage of Hurricane Matthew. The Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) is currently strengthening health facilities in the most affected departments in particular to ensure the care of victims of cholera.

The situation of health structures after evaluation is as follows: 53% of facilities visited in Grand'Anse are unusable and 6 Cholera Treatment Centre (CTC) are damaged. In the South, 29% of 15 hospital visits are unusable, 3 of the 4 CTC were destroyed and one is badly damaged.

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